Become a Holistic Cancer Educator Via Online Course

Susan Silberstein, Ph.D., founder of, is offering Holistic Cancer Educator certification training for health professionals and caregivers through an online, self-directed course. Participants will learn proven holistic, complementary and alternative approaches for cancer, in order to expand their client base, enhance the quality of service and learn practical information that can directly impact patient health.
Some topics covered in the course include advantages of a patient-driven program, criteria for evaluating alternative cancer therapies, natural ways to deal with pain and resources for minimizing treatment side effects. Participants will learn how to guide patients in making dietary changes, the most valuable nutritional supplements, the powerful connection between emotional stress and cancer and how to help patients prevent recurrence.
Upon completion, participants will receive a signed certificate, get listed on the website as an approved counselor and get 10 hours of follow-up telephone consultation services for one year. The course is worth 9.5 self-reported continuing education units. aims to provide research-based education on how to prevent, cope with and beat cancer through diet, lifestyle and other immune-boosting approaches. Silberstein has 37 years of experience counseling more than 25,000 cancer patients.
Sign up by March 31 to save $100. Email [email protected] for discount code. For more information, call 610-227-0865 or email [email protected]. March 2015.