Multiple Yoga Teacher Trainings Available at Anahata

The 300-hour training is open to graduates of any 200-hour program and is offered in five modules designed to deepen a teacher’s skills in the areas of anatomy, chakra yoga, ayurveda, meditation and the art of teaching.
The 200-hour training curriculum includes teaching methodology, anatomy and physiology, yoga philosophy and ethics, and practicum, as well as several studio-selected electives. Graduates are teaching in studios, schools, other wellness centers, recovery centers, community and corporate environments.
Prenatal yoga celebrates the mom and baby connection and the beauty and power of a woman’s changing body. Prenatal Teacher Training is hosted by Anahata and led by ChildLight Yoga, which has been offering trainings on the East Coast for more than 10 years.
The 200-hour and prenatal programs begin in September. The 300-hour is a rolling admission program. Class sizes are limited to 10 students.
Anahata owner and 500-hour Kripalu yoga teacher Kathleen Tooley offers, “Our students often tell us that choosing our teacher training is one of the best decisions they ever made. If you are looking for a heart-centered studio, take a few minutes to reach out to us. We welcome you.”
Location: 690 Harleysville Pk., Lederach. For more information, call Kathleen Tooley at 215-740-1354, email [email protected] or visit July 2018