Come to the Farm for Gentle Lymphatic Massage

Linda Lemire and Heart Flowers Healing Therapies wish to highlight Manual Lymph Massage (MLD), one of the healing therapies offered at the farm just north of Doylestown. Lymphatic diseases, especially lymphedema, represent a serious problem in the health community. MLD is a light, skin-stretching technique, developed in 1936 by Dr. Emil and Estrid Vodder, that treats swollen lymph nodes by helping promote the movement of lymphatic fluid out of the swollen area.
“During the hour-long session, I first focus attention on the deep lymph nodes to open them to receiving the excess lymphatic fluid and proteins. Then I apply a brushing technique to the limbs to encourage the movement of lymph toward the trunk of the body and solar plexus and ultimately the heart,” shares Lemire. “Deep breathing techniques are usually done at the beginning and end of the session to calm the body and assist it in accepting the movement of the lymph. It is very relaxing.”
This calming therapy not only benefits those with problems with edema, MLD also supports the maintenance needs of the body that ensure good health. The best time to give the body what it needs to function at its best is always now.
Cost: $100 per hour session. Business hours are flexible. Location: 713 Kellers Church Road, Ottsville, (Bedminster Township). For more information, please call 215-534-6138 or email [email protected]. See directory listing, page 30.
Note: Our apologies for placing the incorrect picture in the news brief we published in our March 2023 issue. This brief is a repeat with the correct picture.